On 06/12/2007, Benoit Chesneau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> HAve currently problem with a server based on Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU
> E6550
> with a Realtek 8168 ( re(4) ). It freeze after some random time.  I
> don't know why.
> No log about it. I tried to :
> - enable acpi
> - force the carde in 100baseTX
> But without any success yet. Hard to test anyway because this is a
> remote machine
> and can't check it from the rescue mode since this rescue mode is under
> freebsd.
> Any idee ? Anyone used such machine yet ? Here is a dmesg :
> http://babilu.metavers.net/dmesg/dmesg_enlil_20071206.txt


No patch yet. As these boxes are pretty popular, if someone writes
one, they'll be a hero. :)


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