I have the opportunity to install several low-end non-Windows desktops
in a non-profit agency.  Over the past 5 years; we've tried a handful of
Linux distributions; each one a little better than the one before.  I've
watched OpenBSD progress a lot in desktop arena over this time period
and I want to try it this time; despite my own negative experience with
a lenovo laptop (which I still use anyway).  We're going to get one
system initially; if everything works out; we could get about a dozen
systems next year.

Windows and Linux users at this agency already use OpenOffice and
Firefox on P3 systems.  email client is either Outlook Express or Kmail;
but I expect to get rid of Kmail.

Our hardware supplier deals almost exclusively with Windows users (no
surprise); in the low-end business market, they sell many systems with:
        Intel D946GZIS motherboard
                SigmaTel* STAC9227 audio codec
                Intel GMA 3000 onboard graphics subsystem
                10/100 Intel 82562G Platform LAN Connect (PLC)
        Pentium Dual Core E2160
        RAM 1G
        80G hard disk

I don't see the onboard sound/video/nic in i386.html? Our vendor says "All of the newer Intel boards use the Intel 3000 GMA and the same NIC also"; so I must be the one missing something here?

There are no SATA DVD drives listed in i386.htm?


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