> On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 13:19:06 -0600, "Ken Ismert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> said:
> > So, I ask you respectfully, Richard: what is your intent in
> > making your original comments, and starting this thread?
> > That would be the deciding factor for me.
> Self aggrandizement has been RMS's only agenda for a long time.
> His 15 minutes are up and he has become irrelevant. He refuses
> to accept this. This crap just makes him more goggleable.

When was the last time he wrote some code?

1995?  Or is that being generous?

He takes money that people donated to the FSF, and he flies all over
the world talking bullshit and rhetoric and being a hypocrite.

> BTW, gcc is crap and I pray everyday someone will come up
> with a BSD licensed replacement (there was ipf and now there
> isn't. Wish the same effort would happen for gcc) and I much
> prefer vi to emacs.

We fight all the time against microcode and non-free firmware.

Guess what compiler most of that microcode and firmware is compiled

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