You could put your money where you mouth is and leave the united states
where people are selling and buying software legaly. You can't enforce your
left wing idealistic agenda. Capitalism drives a lot of things.. Including
the hardware your running. Why don't you set up a tent outside of TI or
Intel and try to basket weave yourself an DSP or and x86 processor. People
brew there own bear, why don't you go around campaigning that everyone must
brew there own bear or give bear away as a gift? I mean why don't we all
move to vermont and start a commune we can do away with money all together
and live in a fantasy land. 

"Its much freer than a world in which non-free programs entice many people
into surrendering their freedom" 

Why don't you move to a remote locationa and become a self sufficient
farmer, you can grow your own food so you won't be enticed into going to the
grocery store. Your as bad as Marvin Minskey.  I appologize for having to
address your pathology in a direct fassion, please do not take offense.

-----Original Message-----
Richard Strawman
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2007 11:50 PM
To: michael hamerski
Subject: Re: Real men don't attack straw men

    >  In
    > other words, a society in which non-free software more or less doesn't
    > exist.

    And there you go denying non-free software, by your definition, the
    very right to exist. How free is that?

It is much freer than a world in which non-free programs entice many people
into surrendering their freedom.

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