delurking briefly, hoping not to annoy everyone...

but from where I sit, all y'all are awesome.
Free software inspired me to get interested in computers which
helped my income.  I really had no interest prior to learning there were
alternatives to Microsoft.

And I've read that the BSD tcp/ip stack with its license allowing
"non-free" software to use it was instrumental in there even being a working

so kudos to you all.  I sympathize with Richard's position to some extent,
since the idea behind it seems to be to enlarge the Free Software contingent,
and the legalistic thinking that has gone into avoiding a "tragedy of the
situation has - to my mind - merit.  If everybody downloads flash for liniux,
to say Microsoft won't talk Flash into adding a DRM module to pwn

I must admit a certain affinity to the BSD idea of freedom too - as Abbie
Hofmann used to say, "free means you don't pay"

so, back to my cave under the bridge...and thanks to all parties
for something that continues to enrich my life.  seriously!  you guys rock.

thanks again,

Mike Bailey

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