thank you!

On Mon, Dec 17, 2007 at 08:19:32AM +0530, Girish Venkatachalam wrote:
> I am giving first aid after the war but still it will help.
> I can give a lot of relief to those of you who had nervous breakdowns
> and blood pressure problems due to spam mails getting in the way of
> useful technical stuff.
> It is not hard at all.
> First thing is install mutt from packages.
> # pkg_add -i mutt
> (Choose one of the flavors)
> Then get a cool muttrc. If you want mine mail me offlist.
> There are several good ones floating on the Internet ocean.
> Next ensure this. It is most critical.
> $ grep sort ~/.muttrc
> set sort="threads"
> Now just watch the fun.
> Whenever you see a thread with the favorite subject line or as soon as
> you read the first mail that is a symptom of impending health problems,
> all you have to do is hit "Ctrl-D". All the mails in the thread get
> deleted. Cool eh? 
> This is the OpenBSD way of solving real life problems with a bit of
> technical knowledge instead of pleading and complaining. ;)
> Anyway hopefully my recipe will come in handy for future occasions.
> History repeats itself...
> -Girish

Christopher Linn <celinn at>  | By no means shall either the CEC
System Administrator II               | or MTU be held in any way liable
  Center for Experimental Computation | for any opinions or conjecture I
    Michigan Technological University | hold to or imply to hold herein.

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