On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 03:32:37 -0500, David H. Lynch Jr. wrote:

>Rod Whitworth wrote:
>> On Mon, 17 Dec 2007 01:29:43 -0500, David H. Lynch Jr. wrote:
>>> The NVIDIA binary blob is popular.
>>  There you go again.
>> You don't know the difference between a blob and an application.
>    The difference has no meaning in the context of values and principles.

Weasel words.

>    It is like trying to claim that racial discrimination should be
>acceptable, in Kenya, but not in the US.

No it isn't. Both of them are like you - wrong.

>    Further if you try to make values distinctions based on technical
>differences, you are eventually going to
>    run afoul of technology itself. FPGA's make hardware into software.
>I can write a decryption algorithm,
>    in a C like language, compile it into bits that create hardware that
>performs the task completely without a CPU or
>    OS.  the "firmware" of the FPGA is hardware, OS, and application all
>rolled into one.
Still waffling.

>    We have courts cases that hinge on law based on technological
>distinctions that have been superseded for decades.
>    Wise men do not tie their values and principles to arbitrary
>technological distinctions.

Appeal to authority. Dishonest. Lose 50 points.

>    The reasons a binary blob are bad do not change when it becomes an
>    a flaw in a binary blob in a rarely executed part of the OS may be
>less significant that a flaw in a binary blob in a constantly used
>    highly popular application. Security and reliability in the kernel
>is critical, but security and reliability in an application is not

You are full of shit. Blobs in applications? 
You gave yourself away there too. Blob is the word. Binary blob is a
Kinda like you.

Binary code in apps is NOT a blob. You are.
I got it right the first time - you are a dumb shit full of sophistry.
Either that or you know exactly what I mean and you think like Uri
Geller that we might fall for all the psychobabble and try to do point
by point refutation of a load of waffle.

Like I said before, wanker, back to your coven with the fools who
respect you or who use you as their tool.


/earth: write failed, file system is full
cp: /earth/creatures: No space left on device

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