Hi all,

I install a OpenBSD 4.2 from a ISO (generated from amd64/install42.iso).
After the installation, I halt the system, remove the CD-ROM device (it's a server without integrated CD-ROM, and I inly attach it from cd installation) and when the system starts, it stops in:

root device:

When I push enter, the system only recognize the NIC and cd as a
possible root device. It seems like the system don't known anything
about HDD. Despite of that, it's curious the fact that it offers the cd
device when I've removed it just after installation.

I've tried to trace the error without success. But I've discovered an strange point: if I attach again the CD-ROM device used in installation process... the system reboots again!!! But if I remove the CD-ROM device after the installation, I get the explained error.


Jordi Espasa Clofent

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