So lets get the story straight.  Ada is great but the compiler sucks.
Winning combination for an open source os.

On Sun, Dec 23, 2007 at 04:33:47PM +0100, Rico Secada wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Dec 2007 21:11:50 +1100
> "Christopher Vance" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have used and taught Ada, for what that's worth. I also looked at
> > Ada for writing OS kernel code, but the quality of the compilers
> > forced me back to the C family.
> What compilers?
> > Question for the proponents of Ada: how many operating system kernels
> > do you know of which are written in Ada? Now answer the same question
> > for C. 
> Ada has mainly been used in real-time life dependent systems, not in
> operating systems. There hasn't been a "free" compiler around before
> 1995 and it hasn't been that good.
> > For extra marks, explain why the discrepancy, paying particular
> > attention to the strengths and weaknesses of each language in this
> > particular usage.
> Free compiler. 
> > -- 
> > Christopher Vance

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