I think my pf / spamd config is correct and running
well, but I'm not entirely sure and would appreciate
any suggestions, corrections or optimizations.

/var/log/spamd shows activity of hosts being
grey-trapped, marked as (BLACK) or (GREY); spamdb
shows trapped and white hosts.  

However, 'pfctl -t spamd -T show' shows nothing in the
<spamd> table (<spamd-white> is being populated), and
'pfctl -sT -vv' shows that <spamd> has had no
addresses and no matches. is hitting
spamd constantly, and I would expect it to be
blacklisted into <spamd> at the least.  Given that,
does my pf.conf seem correct?


Relevant portions of my pf.conf:

table <spamd> persist
table <spamd-white> persist
table <spamd-my-whitelist> persist file

rdr on $ext_if inet proto tcp from
<spamd-my-whitelist> to \
        { $ext_if, $localnet, $dmznet } port smtp ->
$mailserver port smtp
rdr pass on $ext_if inet proto tcp from <spamd> to \
        { $ext_if, $localnet, $dmznet } port smtp -> port spamd
rdr pass on $ext_if inet proto tcp from !<spamd-white>
to \
        { $ext_if, $localnet, $dmznet } port smtp -> port spamd
rdr on $ext_if inet proto tcp from <spamd-white> to \
        { $ext_if, $localnet, $dmznet } port smtp ->
$mailserver port smtp

# Enable logging of certain SMTP transactions so
spamlogd can
# update <spamd-white>.  Connections from MTAs in my
# <spamd-my-whitelist> don't need to be logged.

pass in quick on $ext_if inet proto tcp from
<spamd-my-whitelist> \
        to any port smtp synproxy state
pass in log (to pflog1) quick on $ext_if inet proto
tcp from <spamd-white> \
        to any port smtp synproxy state
pass out log (to pflog1) quick on $ext_if inet proto
tcp from $mailserver \
        to any port smtp synproxy state


The man page for spamd says:

When a host that is currently greylisted
     attempts to send mail to a spamtrap address, it
is blacklisted for 24
     hours by adding the host to the spamd blacklist

Should I also have an rdr rule for <spamd-greytrap>?


I'm using OpenBSD 4.2's default /etc/mail/spamd.conf.

I have created the pflog1 interface, tcpdump shows
traffic occasionally being logged to it, and spamlogd
is listening to pflog1.  '/usr/libexec/spamd-setup' is
uncommented in root's crontab, and runs hourly.

My /etc/rc.conf.local:

spamd_flags="-v -G 15:4:864 -l -h
host.example.com -n Postfix"
spamlogd_flags="-l pflog1"

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