Manuel Ravasio wrote:
> Hello list.
> Can anyone suggest me a way to measure a hard disk speed?
> I'm thinking about a tool like linux's hdparm / sdparm 
> A simple solution could be measuring the time required for the generation of 
> a big file, something like "time dd if=/dev/zero of=/some/file bs=whatever 
> count=whatever", however I'd like to find something more specific.
> Thank you in advance for all ideas you can give me,
> byee,
> Manuel

Write a random number on a piece of paper.  I'd suggest "42" for
laughs.  At least people will understand how you derived it.

The proper answer is "define your task, do it, time it".

You can't just define something as complicated as "hard disk speed"
in one number.  Or twenty numbers.

Now, if you want to tell us what you are doing and why you are
concerned about it, then maybe we can help you.

Lies, damned lies, statistics, benchmarks, RMS.

The only benchmark that matters is YOUR application, usually in


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