Ok, "Puffy", I'm assuming good faith on your side, so let me explain
why you're being slightly mocked here:

There was a huge toss-up some time ago about some person selling
OpenBSD t-shirts on Cafepress without Theo's/Wim's/Ty's permission.
The misc crowd will undoubtedly correct me if I'm wrong or if things
have changed, but the way I remember things, the sticking points were:
- OpenBSD is BSD licensed.
- Most OpenBSD "Puffy" artwork is not.
- The non-BSD licensed images may be used for positive promotional use
w/o checking with Theo/Wim/Ty (that permission is given on the
- If you want to do anything potentially infringing with the non-BSD
licensed artwork, you need to ask Theo/Wim/Ty first.

>From your emails, it seems to me as if maybe you haven't done that and
maybe you aren't aware of your rights and obligations. So if you're
serious, then you probably should talk to Theo or Wim or Ty and work
things out, and only come back to this list once you actually have
something to offer that is non-infringing and real,  preferably with
non-Photoshop^WGIMPed pictures. If you don't do that, you'll probably
only find yourself earning more ridicule. That's not a "NO" to your
initiative. Plush Puffy was created some time ago:
https://https.openbsd.org/images/pluffy.jpg and is still available:
So it can be done, and if you really want to and are able to do
something cool that helps the project financially, then more power to
you. If however you're only looking to earn a few quick bucks for
yourself, then you may not get a lot of takers here.

Thanks and regards,

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