Hello everyone,

My apologies if you get this twice-- it just occurred to me that I sent my original message out using the wrong email address.

I would greatly appreciate it someone would help me diagnose this spamd problem. We've been running spamd since last October, and until this past Thursday, it was working great. I may be mistaken, but I don't think I've ever seen entries like the following before (email addresses munged intentionally):


Notice that the "block" column count is high. In the past, I don't recall this number ever exceeding 2. Our users are now complaining that they are not receiving many expected inbound emails. My understanding is that the GREY spamdb entry should turn to WHITE upon the remote MTA's retry. No?

I was troubleshooting a separate issue that required a restart of our firewall (spamd is running on the firewall and not the mail servers), and this problem popped up shortly thereafter.

I have not changed anything with our pf.conf or spamd.conf that I know of, except that I've added a number of crucial mailhosts to our PF whitelist-- something I've done dozens of times before.

  This is on an OpenBSD 4.0 machine.

  Any suggestions?

Many thanks,

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