On Jan 14, 2008, at 12:09 PM, Nikns Siankin wrote:

If you get money from selling CDs/soft, its just clearly unfair to not
support it. Yes, I'm talking about stable ports.

Actually, the OpenBSD OS is supported. Your argument is pointless. Stable ports are NOT supported because, well, it's not really part of the OS.

If you want stable ports, build it all yourself, for the architectures you need. If you really think they're so important, donate hardware to OpenBSD, and create your own position in the ranks of various devs.

Bitching and whining get you nothing.

If you claim to produce the most secure OS, you have to prove that by
provaiding secure wifi encryption for masses (WPAx) and usable disk
encryption design for laptops and so on...

I fail to see where those features make you "more secure." WPA is a clusterfuck. Wireless by its very nature is almost un-securable, even with cruft like WPA added in. If you want "more secure" you should look at alternate solutions (IPSec, OpenVPN, etc). And, even then, you may want to just review your code and implementation.

Full disk encryption also only provides so much benefit to code complexity increase. I like OpenBSD, but if I need full disk encryption I still use vnd(4), a passphrase that's different from my account password, and mount that locally. Manually. Every time you mount the image.

If you want FileVault style access, write your own login patch to handle mounting the image, and submit it.

...or let's just call it perfect wired firewall...

Does quite well for me.

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