On Friday 01 February 2008, Aaron wrote:
> I was wanting to set up an antispam/anti-virus mail system and in the
> past i've always used postfix as my mta.  I have read a few posts on
> the list where people suggest sticking w/the openbsd default,
> sendmail.  I'm considering doing this save one question.  I know that
> when you modify things (i'm just not sure what) you have to recompile
> them.  This will make upgrading considerable more difficult.
> So lets say i start w/the base install and change my rc.conf.local to
> point at sendmail.cf , edit the appropriate files in the src
> directory. Things like, sending mail as @mydomain.com instead of
> @myhost.mydomain.com, smart hosts, and whatever else needs to be
> changed.  When i update or upgrade my system, am i going to need to
> manually go back every time and recreate the steps to get my mail
> system working again?  Does the openbsd-proto.mc get overwritten
> every time i update the source via cvs.  I just need this for
> sendmail now, but as a general question:
> What changes to configs/files etc, in the base system would dictate
> that a separate rebuild of that component after an update or upgrade?
> Thanks in advance,
> Aaron Martinez

First off, since there is often confusion, an "upgrade" means there is a 
change in OS version number (i.e. from 4.1 to 4.2). In contrast, with 
an "update" there is no change of version number (i.e. you've compiled 
the most recent -STABLE branch and are installing it).

When you do a system update or upgrade, your /etc files are left alone, 
preserving your changes. 

When doing an "update" there is usually no need to make any changes to 
your /etc files.

When doing an "upgrade" you will be instructed to manually make a few 
version specific changes to /etc files but they are fairly trivial and 
can always be found in the "Upgrade Guide" on the 
http://www.openbsd.org/faq/ page (for example the most recent upgrade 
guide is here: http://www.openbsd.org/faq/upgrade42.html ). The manual 
changes you will need to make are mostly due to changes in file 
formats, API's and similar (such as improvements/modifications to 
pf.conf syntax). These format changes are documented in the "Upgrade 
Guide" so unless there is a change to the format of sendmail config 
files, you probably won't need to touch your customized config files 
(as stated, your originals are preserved during the upgrade).

kind regards,

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