On Mon, Jan 28, 2008 at 11:46:44AM -0800, Lord Sporkton wrote:
> On 28/01/2008, johan beisser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Jan 27, 2008, at 9:24 PM, Lord Sporkton wrote:
> >
> > > I am setting up a duel core server, the server will be doing 2 things,
> > > firewall/routing and user-services
> > >
> > > since my needs are pretty small for this server and its a duel 2.0
> > > 64bit i was hoping to sort of partition the cpus such that
> > > firewalling/kernel processes get one processor and user services like
> > > webhosting, mail, fileserver, and all userland gets the other
> > > processor, that way my firewall wont be bothered by anything else im
> > > doing.
> >
> > Multiple CPU systems don't work like that, generally.
> >
> > > is this possible and if so where should i start with this.
> >
> > - Google.
> > - the misc@ archives.
> >
> what keywords should be be searching for?
> i have no idea what this would be called?

The real question which you should ask yourself is why you want to keep
the kernel and the user processes on separate CPUs.  What is it to you
which CPU the scheduler places processes?

Firwall happens within the kernel but so do all the system calls that
the other processes issue.  AFAIK, the kernel stays on one CPU and is
why MP doesn't help firewall performance.  If your firewall can't keep
up and other CPUs are idle, then you need a more powerful CPU or a
separate box just for the firewall.


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