I've told my boss that I'm not renewing my contract.

The Job:
   20 hours per week as the entire IT department for the school.
Optional half time teaching position. (Must have teaching certificate)
   Optional average 5 hours per week Outdoor Program Instructor.

   The computers:
        3 Freebsd boxes
        1 openbsd box.
        60 Win2K clients.

   Upcoming challenges.
        Upgrade servers.
        Cover main building with wireless.
        User authenitcation at firewall.

Pay: $28,000 year for Sysadmin+Outdoor. (Nominal 25 hours/week) + low rent housing if you choose to live on site.

   Hours:  Boss is extremely flexible.

The Location:
Saint John's School of Alberta (http://www.sjsa.ab.ca). The school is 75 km south-west of Edmonton, on the banks of the North Saskatchewan River.

Equipment tends to be old. "We the unwilling, lead by the unknowing, have done so much with so little for so long we now can do anything with nothing."

Let me know if you have questions.

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