I'm wondering if an OpenBSD box with apache can solve this problem...

A website requires authentication to access and the are a limited number of accounts setup (within web application, not .htaccess) on that website; so accounts are shared. Of course, this situation causes problems when two people use the same account, since the second login will disconnect the first one. The simple/ideal solution is to create more accounts, but in this case, that is not possible.

I did manage to setup a local OpenBSD box with apache to access the real site using mod_proxy (ProxyPass & ProxyPassReverse). Today's problem is unrelated to my previous question on this topic.

But I don't see anything in docs about software that will add yet another layer to manage the connections to remote server. When a user log's into local webserver; it would be nice if I could present a list of used/unused account/connections to remote server/website. Is this possible? Is it possible to block access to local server when accounts on remote server are already in use?


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