
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008, System Administrator wrote:

After spending the weekend testing this every which way and searching
the net and archives to no avail, I need a few more eyes to help
determine whether this is a bug, a feature, or some minor stupidity on
my part...

First the environment:

OpenBSD 4.2-stable (GENERIC) #1: Fri Feb  1 02:28:33 EST 2008

- kernel patched and rebuilt by meticulously following the FAQ on
performing CVS patch-branch update and rebuild.

- using base httpd with no additional packages.

Now, the problem:

I need to secure a few distinct directories on this server, and to
simplify config file maintenance decided to put the common directives
into a file to be 'Include'd - reproduced further below. Here is an
example of such an 'Include' in the main httpd.conf:
        <Directory "/var/www/cgi-bin">
            AllowOverride None
            Options None
            Include conf/admins.conf

This does not work as expected because Include wants complete
configuration files because you can include a whole directory or some
files with wildcards. Therefore each of these files has to be complete
in itself say one complete <directory> definition. Otherwise there would
be numerous problems with sorting these files and so on.

I cannot see this well explained in the documentation but you can see it
easily in the source of httpd.


Stefan Kell

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