Clint Pachl escreveu:
 > This is exactly why I don't allow /etc, /var/cron/tabs, and so on to be
> working directories. Like you mentioned, it will crap out some programs.
> I use rcs instead of cvs; much simpler and effortless to setup and
> manage. What I do is create an RCS root, /root/rcsroot. The first time I
> need to change a system file, I copy it into /root/rcsroot, maintaining
> directory hierarchy of course. For example, /etc/pf.conf would go to
> /root/rcsroot/etc/pf.conf. I make changes to files in the rcsroot, and
> when I like the way they look, I copy them to the system and check them
> in. This preserves original file permissions and doesn't clutter the
> system with repos stuff. Also, I can quickly see and maintain only what
> I have modified.
> I must confess that I perform these actions manually, like the copying
> of the working file back to the system. This could be scripted to make
> it even easier. I thought about it, but it's just so easy already. For
> example you could modify a config file using a single command: `confedit
> /etc/pf.conf`. It could perform the 2 or 3 other commands needed to copy
> files around and do the check-in.
> For backup, I do `dump | ssh backupbox` from cron. Simple and easy.
 > This is a good discussion. Please do enlighten use with your setup.
> -pachl
I do the same here, as i stated before. The difference is that i use
central svn repo on the office, and do the checkout and the commits from
 the local sites. I have a nifty script that compares the svn tree with
the / filesystem. Any changes and i will be told so immediately. The
process is manual also, but there are some things that i do point
directly to the svn tree, like squid conf's and openvpn stuff. My
/etc/squid/squid.conf points to /root/frw-<name>/etc/squid.conf. Only no
point things that are chrooted like named and httpd that can't being a
symlink to the tree. This is a very interesting debate, and there
certainly lots of ways of accomplish this task. It would be nice if
others enlighten us with the other methods they use.

My regards,

Giancarlo Razzolini
Linux User 172199
Red Hat Certified Engineer no:804006389722501
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