
for my client I have set up an mini sftp-Server (on Windows in their Intranet) 
and on my webserver (FreeBSD) there is a cronjob looking for new files to 
load them via sftp/ssh to the webserver.

Now we need to limit the bandwidth of the sftp-uploads (ADSL).

For several reasons it would be better, if I could limit the traffic on the 
webserver side. I thought, I would configure pf with altq to limit the 
bandwidth of the ssh-client.

____________                ____________
Intranet       |               | Webserver
sftpd           ======> ssh-client (cron)
limited        |               |  pf / altq
upload bw   |               |
____________|              | ____________

Now the idea was to force the sftpd to use less bandwidth by limiting the
bandwidth of the ssh-client (via pf).

As I read on http://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/queueing.html altq limits by 
dropping packets. So I am not sure if this would cause the sftpd to send less 
packets. I would even expect that the sftpd would send more packets to 
compensate the lost ones and therefor use even more bandwidth.

Or is it part of the ssh protocol to agree on a lower bandwidth based on the 
number of lost packets? 

Perhaps there is a way for the ssh-client to tell the sftpd how much bandwith 
to use?

Is there a way to solve this without QoS on the sftpd side?


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