On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 01:31:47PM +0100, Arjen Van Drie wrote:
> Hi,
> searching on the Internet gave me no clear answer: is there a way to
> include other config files in pf.conf, like

the internet is for... anyway, sometimes the manpage gives a good
answer, just look at pf.conf(5):

     Additional configuration files can be included with the include keyword,
     for example:

           include "/etc/pf/sub.filter.conf"

of course, you can also search the internet via

> # /etc/pf.conf
> Include /etc/pf.interfaces
> Include /etc/pf.natrules

use lowercase letters and quotes...

include "/etc/pf.interfaces"

> etc...
> I expect to have many rules, so I'd like to split them accross multiple
> files.
> Thanks,
> Arjen


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