On Tue, Mar 18, 2008 at 10:18 PM, Pau Amaro-Seoane
> Hi,
>  very often I have to give a talk about my work etc... The slides
>  contain a lot of math equations, plots and even sometimes some movies.
>  I was used to latex-beamer to do all this because I want something I
>  can edit with vi(m) and it fulfilled all requisites ... and I was used
>  to it when I was using linux.
>  I have switched to OpenBSD since some 1.5 years and I am very happy to
>  report here, by the way, that OpenBSD _does_ start X on the projector
>  where most linux peecees and macs fail :) BUT -and this is the main
>  reason to write now- the pdf slides created with latex-beamer "feel
>  heavy"... What I mean is that when using full screen (with xpdf or
>  kpdf etc) it takes some 3-4 seconds to change a slide. I don't know
>  why... I can provide you with a test talk, so that you udnerstand what
>  I mean.

I'm using latex+beamer noadays too.

The behaviour you describe is generally caused by slides with lots of bitmapped
images in them that need to be  rendered/scaled before displayng them. If you
have images that get repeated on each slide, like a logo, a background image
or some other theme elements, you can reduce both the PDF file and the time
it takes to render each slide by using the pgf package and

Use images that have a resolution that more or less matches the resolution
at which they will be displayed. Scaling downa 3000x2000 image to 320x200
every time it's displayed takes some time.

Also make sure pdflatex is correctly configured to use Type1 fonts and not
bit-mapped fonts (it can be tricky if you use an input or font
character encoding
other than TeX's default, but texlive makes things easier).

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