On Wed, 19 Mar 2008 13:52:15 -0700
"Ed Flecko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have an OpenBSD 4.2 box without X installed, and I'm trying to
> install apsfilter to set up printing.
> Apsfilter fails with the following message:
> # pkg_add apsfilter-7.2.8p0.tgz
> Can't install gettext-0.14.6p0: lib not found expat.8.0
> Dependencies for gettext-0.14.6p0 resolve to: libiconv-1.9.2p3
> Full dependency tree is libiconv-1.9.2p3
> Can't install a2ps-4.13bp4-letter: can't resolve gettext-0.14.6p0
> Can't install apsfilter-7.2.8p0: can't resolve a2ps-4.13bp4-letter
> What am I doing wrong???
> Thanks,
> Ed
If I remember correctly, you need to have the x-base package installed
for the libiconv / gettext dependencies to be met.  It's an issue with

A quick search of the archives should yield more information for you.

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