On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 9:21 PM, Jacob Meuser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 12:58:40PM -0400, Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
>  > On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 11:00:01AM +0200, Lars Nood??n wrote:
>  > > > ... using the GENERIC kernel ...
>  >
>  > > 2) One thing that may not be visible enough is that config(8) can be
>  > > used to modify kernel parameters without needing to recompile.  That
>  > > gives you a fair amount of customization without deviating from the
>  > > GENERIC configuration.
>  > >
>  > > It is possible to make modifications to the currently running kernel as
>  > > well as to save these changes in the form of a new kernel binary so that
>  > > the changes stay even after system restarts.
>  >
>  > One thing I'm not clear on: if the only issue is kernel size based on
>  > having an old box with low memory, where every MB counts, does
>  > deactivating unnecessary drivers with config actually result in a
>  > smaller kernel or just a kernel with deactivated drivers?  Shrinking the
>  > kernel would be the only reason I would have of touching the kernel as
>  > I'm not into trying out experimental features.  It would be too bad if
>  > config doesn't do this.
>  if your machine is low enough on ram that you would even consider
>  recompiling a kernel, just to save ram, it's time to retire
>  the machine.

I'd disagree VERY strongly there,... there are LOTS of low spec (yet
industrial tolerance) hardware appliances out there (and I spend
almost my entire live working on this kind of hardware.
    The malleability and source availability of the free UNIX-like
systems is what allows one to use these platforms in the first place.
Imagine trying to get Microsoft or Sun to produce an OS for you that
runs on a 486dx100?

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