Sorry to everyone. I really did search and search and search. Used
google search of the openbsd site and tried to use
to search the lists. Also didn't know about the FAQ current... new
user... if you didn't already guess :P

Thanks again

On Wed, Apr 2, 2008 at 3:07 PM, Marco S Hyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Apr 2008 14:26:49 +1000
>  "N J" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   > Hi everyone I have massive problems with expat apparently its as
>   > simple as extracting xbase. No go here. Still have problems compiling.
>   > Whats most frustrating is that it apparently finds it and still fails
>   > :'(
>  I guess you didn't see the eleventy-seven messages about *moving*
>  libexpat.   It seems you didn't look at the openbsd "following
>  current" FAQ either.
>  And looking at your address I suspect you'll not see this message
>  because I don't choose to spam misc with shit that most of the other
>  readers have seen countless times.  Oh well, if that is the case
>  it's your loss.
>  // marc

  • Expat N J
    • Re: Expat N J

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