I am writing up a script to automatically increment the serial number of bind dns zone file , but I am running across issues doing in place substitution with either sed or even perl for that matter. I can do this easily in Linux but am having hard time doing so in openbsd. I would like to search for the serial number , increment by one and then save the file.

Any help...highly appreciated.


Here is my code snippet:


for file in $(ls /var/named/master/*.file);
 if [ -f $file ];
   OLD=`grep serial $file | awk '{print $1}'`
       echo $OLD
       NEW=$(($OLD + 1))
       echo $NEW
*perl -p -i -e 's/$OLD/$NEW/' $file <--------------tried using perl but still the file didn't change with the incremented serial number sed 's/$OLD/$NEW/' $file <-----------------I know this will only search and replace but how do I do in in-place so that the file itself is modified.*

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