On Fri, Apr 04, 2008 at 10:50:37AM +0000, Nicolas Legrand wrote:
> Raimo Niskanen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Thu, Apr 03, 2008 at 04:38:08PM +0000, Nicolas Legrand wrote:
> >> Reyk Floeter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> 
> >> >
> >> > i have the same problems on a HP Compaq dc7600 Convertible Minitower.
> >> > acpi doesn't work.  the acpi developers like marco@ are aware of the
> >> > problem and it is being worked on.
> >> 
> >> Excellent news! I have the same problem on a dc7700, though I don't
> >> disable the whole acpi, but acpiprt* on /bsd or acpiprt* and acpimadt0
> >> on /bsd.mp.
> >
> > That does not cut it for me (hp2510p ultra-portable laptop).
> >
> > I get a kernel panic in aml_evalnode in acpi_inidev in aml_find_node
> > in acpi_attach. Any hint on what I should disable that is smaller
> > than the whole acpi, or how to find out a smaller disable set?
> >
> > I have tried to disable all acpi... except acpi0 but that did
> > not help. Is it acpi0 itself that is the problem or can
> > there be some acpi... device(s) that it is sufficient do disable?
> > It takes time to try all combinations, it would be nice to
> > know if it is useless.
> As Reyk Floeter said it's just a workaround I've found for the HP
> dc7700. I've found it by reading the kernel message as written in
> description section of
> http://cvs.openbsd.org/cgi-bin/query-pr-wrapper?full=yes&numbers=5738

Thank you that was informative! I see that your trace goes from
  config_attach ->
    acpi_attach ->
      acpi_foundprt ->
        config_attach ->
          acpiprt_attach -> ... parsing ... _aml_die -> panic
while mine goes
  config_attach ->
    acpi_attach -> acpi_inidev -> ... parsing ... _aml_die -> panic

So it indeed seems like the problem is in acpi(4) itself,
not in any attached device. I would be wasting my time
trying to disable all combinations of acpi... devices.

> the bsd.mp the kernel was hanging with acpiprt* disabled. So I had a
> look at apropos acpi and look at the (4) section of the answers before
> trying to disable acpiadmt0.
> I'm sorry, this is the best I can do, I'm not (yet I hope) skilled
> enough to give solutions and _I don't fully understand the
> consequences of what I do_. I just know I can now stop my machine
> without being physicaly with it, and that's usefull.

Alas, I was hoping for something like that.



/ Raimo Niskanen, Erlang/OTP, Ericsson AB

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