hmm, on Wed, Apr 09, 2008 at 11:25:25AM -0600, Theo de Raadt said that
> It took us a very long time to get Sun to do this, and it was totally
> worth it.  It is kind of strange to us to have Sun suddenly be the
> perfect example of openness.

a bit OT, but
i just had the pleasure of meeting and ex-sun employee, working
mostly on kernel stuff.  i dont know how similar the opensolaris
and solaris kernels are, but he said the solaris kernel code is
a beauty to read, and simplicity and readibility are adhered
to fanatically...  that reminds me another dev community :o)

as i read some of the sun employees blogs, i think there might be
quite some similarities between the two dev cultures (hope this
doesnt insult too much people), it's just that sun is a company...
and that alone ties a lot of hands (as we all know)...

suicidal twin kills sister by mistake!

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