On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 04:04:34PM +0300, Lars Nood?n wrote:

> 5) Cultivating antagonism between allies *is* a key part of the strategy
> used by the main opponent to OpenBSD.  It wastes resources.  In
> contrast, constructive competition leads to improvement.

opponents, competition?  Lars, you just don't get it.

btw, my main beef with rms is that when the ath5k thing went down,
I asked rms in personal email to make a generic statement about
respecting copyrights.  not comdemn or "choose sides", just say
something along the lines of "despite differences in beliefs of
freedom, the most important thing for all of free software is
respect for copyright and chosen licensing."

and he thought that might be a good idea.  then he suddenly decided,
because OpenBSD was involved, that he would not make such a statement.
he went on to say that he could care less if OpenBSD developers
"drop dead".

I was trying to get rms to be a hero, actually.  I thought building
flame war was bad for everyone.  but he refused, because he is
personally prejudice against OpenBSD.  plain and simple.

don't know about you, but imo, any self proclaimed defender of freedom,
with such prejudice, is not at all a defender of freedom, but some
one abusing the idea freedom for personal gain.  one of the most vile
types of people, imo.

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