> -----Urspr|ngliche Nachricht-----
> Gesendet: 16.04.08 01:15:52
> An: "Stefan Wollny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> CC: misc@openbsd.org
> Betreff: Re: Help on package upgrade on 4.3 needed

> On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 8:39 AM, Stefan Wollny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello folks!
> >
> >  I need a little help with an issue when upgrading to 4.3-packages (from
4.2). I use OpenBSD on an ThinkPad T60 as my daily tool.
> >  I followed the instructions on www.openbsd.org/faq/upgrade43.html when
upgrading the system from the 4.3 CD's. Then I did:
> >  $ sudo pkg_add -u -i -F update -F updatedepends
> >
> >  Everything went fine - except that I shouldn't have done that as the
majority of the 4.3-packages are not yet available.  :/
> >  In particular all QT/KDE apps will not yet work. But Gtk/Glib apps work
> >
> >  pkg_add gave a note to upgrade the following databases:
> >  /var/db/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules
> >  /var/db/gtk-2.0/gdk-pixbuf.loaders
> >  /var/db/xmlcatalog
> >  Unfortunatelly I didn't find a man page for gtk-2.0. The man page for
xmlcatalog is beyond my skills (or my English).
> >  Via Google I found the advice to use pkg_add -r -F update. Well - this
somehow worked without any remarks. BUT: Gtk+2-related apps still don't work
(like sylpheed).
> >
> >  Can someone help me? Any hints on where to get more information? What
additional information do you need to help me? I provide dmesg further down as
first source.
> >
> >  BTW: Without any trouble the 4.2-versions of Firefox, OpenOffice,
acrobat, xpdf, nedit and mc worked still after upgrading. Good!
> >
> >  Any help is welcome - thanks!
> 4.3 isn't out yet. Try again around May 1 or build the packages you
> need from ports.
> -Bryan

thank you for replying and your advice.

What puzzles me is the fact that I tried to upgrade ONLY those packages on the
CD. By now I even deleted firefox and tried to install from
the CD - it is not possible! This I find rather annoying as my expectation is
not met: For me it doesn't make any sense to order early no more! I will still
do it as I believe in Theo and his fellow developers. But no more will there
be pride and anticipation for early possesion of the CD's. Once they arrive I
will take them with a 'so what?'-feeling and put them aside as I have to wait
for the official release date anyway.

Upgrading the base system was astonishing easy. But now having to use M$ on
the laptop to meet my responsibilities is sad. The next two weeks will be
veeeery long...


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