Sam Fourman Jr. wrote:
>>  Is there a way to login the passwords that were used in the bruteforce
>> attack?
> I am siting trying to come up with a good reason why you would give a
> damn what passwords they tried?

Actually, I have a reason why a list of PWs that the brute-force apps
use would be interesting:  to show people how bad their PWs typically

"Ok, everyone, pick a creative password for the all-powerful root
account.  Now...let's look at a brute force list, and see how original
you aren't.  Wow, look, five of you picked 'iamgod' for your root PW,
and here it is on the brute-force list!"

However, a much better way to this would be simply snag a copy of the
program.  (one way, perhaps: honeypot machine, with a firewall that
cuts off all net connections after it makes, say, ten outgoing ssh
connections in a minute).


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