Morris, Roy wrote:
I know this is not exactly a OpenBSD question but I am wondering
if anyone can give me a sense of the performance/limitations of
sendmail? Basically I have a machine that sends out 20,000 mails
a day and once and a while the application sending emails for delivery
complains that it has to wait for sendmail. I go and check the sendmail
and it's hardly even breathing hard. Almost no cpu usage, memory fine blah
blah ..

I am not convinced this is a problem with sendmail, just looking for some
from anyone doing volume email on openbsd.


What I do always recpomend to people using sendmail for mass mailing (that is having large mailing lists :) ) is to use smtpsend external smtp mailer. it scales much better.
Also I would recommend you to use -odq and separate queue runner process.

With best regards,
        Gregory Edigarov

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