On Sun, Apr 27, 2008 at 6:21 PM, Sam Fourman Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  which components will be a good fit?:
>  >
>  >  1. Backend: MySQL or SQLite
>  >  2. webserver: apache or Lighttpd
>  >  3. development language: PHP or Java or Javascript (and XML I guess)
>  >
>  >  Thanks in advance.
>  >  -BG
>  I would give PostgreSQL a look, it doesn't get as much press as MySQL,
>  But it is VERY solid, and it is BSD licensed

I've also found it much easier to maintain than MySQL.

As far as language, you should look for something that looks "fun" to
you.  Language's are really all over the place, it really depends on
what looks like you are going to want to develop in it.  Perl is
popular as it is on nearly every *nix system in the world (it is also
what the pkg_* tools are written in), Ruby is popular with its Ruby on
Rails web framework (there is a lot more to Ruby than Rails fyi) and
finally Python which is popular and I would recommend.  But what
matters to me may not matter to you.

Take a look at some tutorials and find something that you _want_ to program in.

(Sorry Sam for the spam).

# Curt Micol

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