Now this idea: I don't have an issue with.

For HoneyPot systems, obviously, you want to "Attract attention", you setup
attractive, known buggy user agent strings and the like for other services.
Then watch who attempts.

For Silent Lurker systems, you want an obscure response to thinks like the
HTTP User Agent string  but if you use things like Opera, Firefox, or Apple's
Safari, You could select a false User-Agent string to send.
For other "Services" the Silent Lurker is going to respond to, you could be
more obscure: Like not send anything at all...

But then Again. I would tend to use the Silent Lurker method "If" I was
surfing for 'Pr0n'  but instead I just use an expendable Windows 2000 system
running firefox *"With Delete everything when done"* setting turned on in a
PF'ed DMZ lan segment, logged in as administrator (with full rights) with a
machine name of IDONTCARE or something like that.  When it goes Zoop, I ghost
a copy back over.


> Subject: Re: How to HIDE "OpenBSD" as user-agent?
> On 4/29/08 5:32 PM, Ross Cameron wrote:
>> This is an obscurity hack and an all round bad idea.
> Yes it's an obscurity hack, but that doesn't make it a bad idea in general.
> When I'm browsing from my work computer I'm very easy to trace anywhere
> in logs because of the OpenBSD, KDE and Seamonkey combination.
> From a security point of view it's plain stupid, but regarding privacy
> the question isn't a bad idea.
> +++chefren

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