Apologies, but so far suggestions have not worked.

What things should I check to fix mknod, short of format hard drive?

Situation, after possibly messing up using a wrong MAKDEV during upgrade to OBSD 4.3 (amd64) from beta, I fixed by making sure /dev was empty of all, then booting from stable 4.3 media and doing upgrade, which replaced and therefore repaired /dev

HOWEVER, now mknod fails for making devices except when used as mkfifo (-p). So I don't dare do MAKEDEV again since it runs 'rm' first then tries to do mknod, leaving no drivers and no way short of booting cdrom to fix.

This failure of mknod is true under /dev and other directories, and I am running it as root. And / is mounted without nodev as expected.

# head -1 /etc/fstab
/dev/wd0a / ffs rw 1 1


# cd /dev
# whereis mknod
# /sbin/mknod foo c 1 1
mknod: foo: Invalid argument
# uname -a
OpenBSD **** 4.3 GENERIC.MP#1582 amd64

Fails also with GENERIC bsd.

tia, your help appreciated, I will document finding and post for others


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