On Thu, May 08, 2008 at 07:23:41AM -0400, Steve Johnson wrote:

> Thanks for the information. This is the first time that I've used PF as a 
> router based firewall and not with NAT. I didn't know that the state was on 
> a per interface basis, and not global to the system. So this means that 
> unless I want to allow all outbound traffic from my firewall, I need to 
> have a matching pass out rule for all the pass in rules for which I want to 
> restrict the inbound interface (ie for which I don't want to put just pass 
> for)?

No, states are by default global and not tied to an interface. See man

> The reason I need quick, especially on a few of these rules, is that the 
> firewall will be establishing 3 to 6 thousand new sessions per second and 
> managing betwee 300 000-500 000 state entries. This means that if it's one 
> state entry per interface, this effectively doubles the state table size.
> Thanks for the other tips by other people for lists and the implicit keep 
> state, I hadn't even realized I had omitted important lists and didn't know 
> about the implicit keep state.
> Jon Radel wrote:
>> You appear making use of the default pass rule for all your outbound
>> traffic, as I didn't notice a single rule that applied to outbound
>> traffic (other than your block port 0, CARP, PFSync, and ping rules).  I
>> don't believe that can be counted on to establish state.
>> So a packet arrives on an interface, is allowed in with a "pass in quick
>> on XX" and state is established.  The packet is then routed out YY,
>> which is allowed since there is no rule to block it.  There is, however,
>> no state established on interface YY, so the return packet is dropped
>> unless you have a rule explicitly allowing that packet in.
>> Try dropping a
>> pass out all
>> into the rule set to see if things get better.  (As a test, think about
>> the implications before you put that into production.)
>> --Jon Radel

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