On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:52 AM, Brian A. Seklecki
>  Nagios checks almost never have sufficient debugging mechanisms, and UDP
>  services dont send RST+ICMP.

you should get an ICMP port unreachable if there is no UDP service listening.

i haven't looked at nagios, but i wonder if it's not trying to use NTP
"mode 6" control messages to get more status information out of the
daemon. openntpd doesn't support these queries...

>  You an always: $ sudo ntpdate -qdv [host to check]

or "rdate -pnv <host>". quite some time ago i added a check to make
rdate bail out if the server is unsync'd.

                if ((data.status & STATUS_ALARM) == STATUS_ALARM) {
                        warnx("Ignoring NTP server with alarm flag set");
                        return (-1);


GDB has a 'break' feature; why doesn't it have 'fix' too?

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