
Those IP addresses in <spamd-white> table are loaded when i ran the spamd-setup command which has ua and nixspam enabled only.

Now i am worried because it is loading spammer IP addresses into the would be legitimate table <spamd-white>

When i look at <spamd> it is still as empty as ever.


Girish Venkatachalam wrote:
On 23:45:06 May 11, Pui Edylie wrote:

When i ran pfctl -t spamd-white -T show it shows a list of IP addresses and those IP addresses are mostly from China and etc ... (IE spamming countries)

I have enabled syslog logging with -v from the log file when tailing it, i did not see any (WHITE) entry only (GREY) and (BLACK)

I am interested where do i find out the whitelisted IP address?

This is the rc.local.conf

spamd_flags="-v -G 2:4:864 -y fxp3 -Y fxp3 -n SolOne SMTP"

OpenBSD 4.1

table <spamd-white> persist
rdr pass inet proto tcp from !<spamd-white> to any \
port smtp -> $spamvip port spamd

I think it is pretty obvious to anybody reading this e-mail why spamd is
doing the exact opposite of what you want it to do.

Any guesses?

I will take the suspense away.

You really should give a passtime of at least 10 minutes. Ideal values
might be around 30. Default is 25. So either leave the -G flag alone or
use something like -G 10:4:864. In case you want whitelisting to happen
sooner than normal.

Best of luck!


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