Hi, I'm using OpenBSD 4.2.

I'm triying to get a very unsafe-simple ruleset to make a nat between a
laptop and my OpenBSD box. From my OpenBSD box I have two nics:

OpenBSD box:
rl0 (witch gets a IP from dhcp and gets to the internet via ADSL)
sk0 (directly connected to the laptop via one cable)

I seted the int_if ip statically as (the laptop have asigned and they see each other without problem, and I can do FTP
transfers and stuff like that)

I have set the sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1

my pf.conf  (very unsafe and very simple, only to try this)

ext_if = "rl0"
int_if = "sk0"
localnetwork = "${int_if}:network"

scrub in all

nat on $ext_if from $localnetwork to any -> (ext_if)


then I make on the laptop (wich uses rl0):

ifconfig rl0 inet

but in the laptop I don't have internet at all, it see the OpenBSD
box as but nothing more.

What I'm doing wrong?

Thanks for your time

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