> On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 1:36 PM, Kendall Shaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...
>> I'm having a hard time understanding it. In many places they use 2
>> numbers, e.g. 2(21) or 232 (4,294,967,296). Can you understand what they
>> are saying?

I am really heartened to see how quickly everybody here has responded
and pointed out the error and correction.

I am less delighted that 3com, who I emailed about this probably over
2 years ago, and who said they were going to look into this, *still*
haven't fixed their PDF.

Maybe if everybody who responded to this thread were to email them as
well, *maybe* that would help.

I have to admit however that I don't remember who I talked to back
then. It's possible that I've still got a copy of that old mail
exchange saved on some CD somewhere; I could start digging if people
think that would help.

Thanks and regards,

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