Jon wrote:
>> I usually name the kernel to the machine hostname, but you can give it
>> any name. Edit the kernel config file: 
>> Remove any hardware related options that are not relevant to your
>> machine.
> Why would someone want to do this? Is this nothing more than saving a
> negligible amount of memory?

The biggest reasons to do this are because you have too much time
on your hands, and you want to impress people by having things
break, then you swoop in to rescue everyone from your fabricated
disaster.  See, computers are supposed to be unreliable and
impossible to understand and take lots of effort just to keep
running and such.  If they Just Work, you haven't proven anything
other than your skill at careful design and planning,  People
don't appreciate that, they much prefer to see you in action.
Heroes rescue people from obvious danger, they don't avoid problems
proactively.  Hey, if you gotta encourage them out onto the ledge
so you can be a hero, whatever.

Fortunately, most computer people would rather be fighting with
existing computer systems than planning avoiding future problems
or documenting things.  After all, it's not the quality of job
that counts, it's the effort people see you putting into it.

Any fool can put up a website and say anything they want.  Just
because you saw it on the 'net doesn't make it true.  After that
crap of an introduction, I'm not going to bother reading the
rest of what this person has to say.

See FAQ5 for the official line on this topic.

(alternate response: a few k here, a few k there, soon you are
still talking about nothing of significance...)


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