I just did an upgrade to 4.3 on my home firewall and upon reboot pfctl
found syntax errors in my pf.conf.

I have narrowed down the problem to this:

ssh = "22"

list = "{" $ssh "}"

So basically it seems that the syntax for creating lists with macros
is not supported anymore.  However, reading the man page yields one
example of such syntax.  Reviewing the changes between 4.2 and 4.3
and the cvs log for the pfctl parse.yy did not yield any clues as to
whether the syntax was dropped or modified

The temporary fix I used is to just replace the variables by their
value like for the above example:

list = "{ 22 }"

If there was a change of which I am not aware in the syntax then
please apply cluestick, otherwise, I am ashamed none of the users (me
included) found this before the release.


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