Fix is going in shortly.

On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 12:08:27PM -0500, Aaron Poffenberger wrote:
> Aaron Poffenberger wrote:
>> Marco Peereboom wrote:
>>> A few minutes ago I re-enabled the new AML parser for ACPI.  This parser
>>> fixes quite a few issues, including those pesky new HP boxes that were
>>> crapping out with the setbufint panic.  Also ACPI interrupts in MP on
>>> amd64 now work as well (at least on my machines).
>>> Even though we think this helps a lot we want to make sure we do not
>>> have any regressions.  So please check out a new tree and compile a new
>>> kernel or download a snapshot and test acpi as much as you can.
>>> What would help is to see if the dmesg changes.  So take a dmesg with
>>> the old and the new kernel and run diff -uNp on it.  If anything changes
>>> besides a little bit of memory usage please mail me the results with all
>>> usual suspects (acpidump, dmesg old, dmesg new).
>>> Do not wait on this, we need results now if this is to be included on
>>> the next OpenBSD version.
>>> Thanks,
>>> /marco
>> Hi Marco,
>> Diffs from a Lenovo x61 from 4.3 release and an update and build on June 
>> 4th. Since it showed more than just memory changes I'm sending you the 
>> diffs. I've noticed an occasional hang when using halt -p. The disks sync 
>> and it gets to shutting down a UCHI device (I think 3) and then hangs 
>> there until I force it to power off. If it happens again I'll write down 
>> the exact device that it hangs on and send it to you.
>> If there are significant enough changes that warrant an update to 
>> -current, please let me know and I'll regenerate the diffs for you.
>> Thanks for all your work on ACPI!
>> --Aaron
> I apologize if you got multiple copies of this, my email client was acting 
> wonky last night.
> On a further note, the x61 hung again this morning. After syncing the disks 
> I see:
>  uhci2: host controller halted
>  uhci0: host controller halted
>  uhci1: host controller halted
>  uhci3: host controller halted
> It then fails to shutdown. As noted above, with 4.3_release it shuts down 
> fine.
> Perhaps related, since updating to -current, the iwn(4) won't always 
> connect properly to an airport express wireless access point whereas it 
> will always connect to a wrt54g at the other end of the house.
> Again, under 4.3_release it did work every time. What I find is that I have 
> to issue `ifconfig iwn0 nwid home1` followed by `dhclient iwn0` several 
> times to get it to attach. At the moment I'm at a friend's office where 
> ifconfig clearly shows iwn0 attached to the nwid of his AP but I always get 
> "no link.......sleeping". When I issue `ifconfig iwn0` I get back:
>    lladdr 00:13:e8:58:27:77
>    groups: wlan
>    media: IEEE802.11 autoselect (OFDM36 mode 11g)
>    status: no network
>    ieee80211: nwid CarolineCollective chan 1 bssid 00:12:17:c4:98:87 200dB 
> 100dBm
>    inet6 fe80::213:e8ff:fe58:2777%iwn0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x2
> But I just can't get a lease from it.
> Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
> Cheers,
> Aaron

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