On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 06:21:35PM +0200, Earin Gregor wrote:
> Good day everyone
> I tried today to upgrade to the snapshot of the 14 June.
> All went fine as usual. Before I used a snapshot from hmm about a month ago
> (don't remember correctly).
> After a final reboot xdm did no longer start with an error message of a
> missing libc.so.45.0
> After some investigation there was infact really no .45.0 - only .43.0 and
> .46.0

The snapshot X sets were build independently from the other sets and
often may lag behind, e.g. on sparc64 they are still from may 29th.

c.43.0 is the version from -release.

Your X sets were build when c.45.0 was the actual version. Your (non-X)
sets already use c.46.0.

> A quick (and dirty) 'ln' solved the issue though...
> Don't know if I did a mistake or if there's something wrong with the
> snapshot.
> Maybe someone can clarify on this topic.

You may build X from source to resolve your problem or hope to a new X
snapshot appearing in the next days.

You may install snapshots a bit more often.

> Thank you very much
> Earin


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