On Tue, Jun 17, 2008 at 11:54 AM, Nicolas Letellier
> On Tue, 17 Jun 2008 12:42:37 +0300
> Ihar Hrachyshka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Try to manually specify "-dpi XX", f.e. "-dpi 96" in your 'xserveropts'
>> in 'startx' script.
> I don't know which dpi I must use. dpi 96 returns the same size font.
> Why must I specify it, now?
The xserver 1.4.2 now defaults to 96dpi. Previous versions had a
default of 75dpi.

The goal of these changes is to have the actual font size measured
on-screen (with a ruler) match the specified size, instead of beeing
just more or less pixels (in typography 1pt = 1/72" = 0.35mm). Modern
screens are genrally closer to 96dpi than to 75.

The fonts get bigger when the resolution changes to 96dpi witout
changing the physical screen size because you need more pixels to
achieve the same size.

And of course some monitors report their resolution wrong, also causing problems
Matthieu Herrb

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