Man page says: "No macro yet exists to cause a line break without 
inserting a vertical space (such as troff's `.br' macro)".

But since nroff(1) is actually a wrapper to GNU groff(1), .br macro works 
there. Diff is at the end of letter.

Maybe there are more things to update, but I ever started to learn *roff 
formatting two days ago... :)

BTW: /usr/src/gnu/usr.bin/groff/tmac/groff_mdoc.samples.7_in doesn't 
contain such a statement too.

  Best wishes,
    Vadim Zhukov

--- /usr/src/share/man/man7/mdoc.samples.7.orig Tue May 20 13:56:32 2008
+++ /usr/src/share/man/man7/mdoc.samples.7      Wed Jun 18 18:27:48 2008
@@ -3468,11 +3468,6 @@
 .Ql \&.Pp
 before a display causes a double vertical space in PostScript output.
-No macro yet exists to cause a line break without inserting a vertical 
-(such as troff's
-.Ql \&.br
 .Ql \&.Dt
 does not allow arbitrary arguments, and certainly should.

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