On Friday June 20 2008 18:09, you wrote:
>Oh god... Into my University it's almost the opposite, so much
>professors using MS Word(R) and still using the IEEE .doc template to
>write papers. ... Personally I dont understand why it's so fuckin
>difficult to understand that LaTeX it's great.

I once had to do an assignment for a college class wherein the 
assignment specified it be submitted in MS Word format. What i did was 
write it in LaTeX, convert that to PDF, convert the PDF to images (1 
per page), and then import the images into Word. (I'm not saying that's 
the *best* path from LaTeX to Word, but it was the first one i thought 
of that i could make work.) The resulting document was astonishingly 
large. But it met the requirements as they were written. I turned in 
the monstrous Word document and got full credit for it. I also 
complained to the professor about requiring Word documents, and for the 
next semester the format requirement was changed to PDF.

Dan Ramaley                            Dial Center 118, Drake University
Network Programmer/Analyst             2407 Carpenter Ave
+1 515 271-4540                        Des Moines IA 50311 USA

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