As a warning, the any X snapshot that hits a mirror around the time of
this email (they're currently copying out) will contain an update to the
radeon driver to 6.9.0. The r128 and mach64 drivers have been split out
in this release, but the "ati" wrapper should take care of that.

Now, there's some changes in this driver update that you may wish to be
aware of:

macpcc users: 
        if you use any quirks for your macbook, or have a mac, you may
        want to check "man 4 radeon" and look at the "MacModel" option
        if you have any trouble. The old mac quirk option (the name of
        which escapes me right now), has been removed.

dual head users:
        If you used "MergedFb", i warn you that this has also gone,
        superceded by xrandr 1.2. so if you use this in your setup, i
        recommend you look into migrating. while intel specific, the
        following page has some generally useful information:

EXA acceleration:
        this driver makes the EXA acceleration method the default (the
        snaps also have a change to make intel default since bugs in it
        have been fixed with the xserver update). Sometimes this
        acceleration method is still a little slow (or quite slow in
        some cases), so if you find the driver to be acting slower than
you're used to, first try:

        Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"

        in xorg.conf. We may make this default until we update to
        xserver 1.5, which needs to wait for it to be finalised and

        If it's still too slow, then instead you can revert to XAA
        acceleration for 2d using:

        Option "AccelMethod" "XAA"
A note on newer cards:
        This new version of the radeon driver also supports newer cards
        normally treated by the radeonhd driver, if you normally use
        that driver, feel free to try this one if you're having any

That should be all the gotchas. If you notice any regressions, please
notify myself (oga@) and Matthieu Herrb (matthieu@)


Don't take life too seriously -- you'll never get out of it alive.

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