On Sun, Jul 06, 2008 at 12:43:39PM +0300, Imre Oolberg wrote:
> Hallo!
> I am choosing (probably from ebay) a sata adapter to connect four newer  
> generation sata disks to little older computer (ibm x200, with 32bit pci  
> slots) to make myself an home-made storage for home use backup. I have  
> not yet decided whether to use for it openbsd or debian. People  
> recommended sil3124 chip based sata controllers for linux which come  
> also with 32bit pci 4 sata port flavors.
> I checked
> http://www.openbsd.org/i386.html#hardware
> and saw there that the following silicon images are supported
> Silicon Image SiI3112 (including ATI IXP SATA), SiI3512, SiI3114
> but to make sure i would like to ask if this sil3124 chip is also  
> working under openbsd now or maybe some near time in the future? Or what  
>  model is so to say classic openbsd sata controller which is also sold  
> nowdays?
> And if somebody shares from their experience how reasonable is to put  
> together PIII generation 32bit pci computer from year of 2002 with new  
> sata controller and new harddisks. And how much it practically makes  
> difference to distribute four disks between one such four port sata  
> controller or two two port sata controllers in terms of performance?
> At the moment i am thinking of backup solution but if it is performing  
> very well then i expect to use the same solution for nfs file server  
> also, though it needs a second thought how much to separate the two.
> Best regards
> Imre
> PS I intend to use those sata controllers only as sata controllers and  
> use software raid, e.g. not their on-chip raid features.

Your chipset should be supported by the sili(4) driver:

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